
The economic review period is related to the economic order quantity and recommends the number of weeks between inventory reviews.


economic review period in weeks =

= ((A / B) ^ (0.5))


A =

= (5,408 * (order cost in dollars))


B =

= (annual usage) * (unit cost) * (holding cost as percent of unit cost from 0 to 100) / 100



• order cost: cost to place an order and receive the item, including costs of the purchasing, receiving and accounts payable departments

• unit cost: cost of a single unit for item being evaluated

• holding cost: The cost to handle and maintain the item once in the health care facility, including capital and inventory costs; typically may run 20-40% of the item cost. The average holding cost for an institution can be estimated relatively easily, while the precise holding cost for an item in dollars may be harder to determine.

• 5408 = 288 * ((average number of weeks in month) ^2); with 288 a constant and the average number of weeks per month = 52/12 = 4.33


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