The "lazy" bladder describes a form of bladder dysfunction resulting in infrequent voiding by the patient with no demonstrable cause.
Clinical features:
(1) The condition is more common in females (about twice as common as in males).
(2) It usually presents in childhood with recurrent urinary tract infections or fevers of unknown origin (FUO).
(3) Patients void infrequently during the day.
(4) Patients often do not void upon awakening.
(5) Patients usually do not have enuresis.
(6) Patients experience a reduced sense of bladder fullness.
Bladder findings:
(1) The bladder capacity is increased and the bladder is often palpable.
(2) Residual urine is usually present after voiding (incomplete emptying).
(3) Vesicoureteral reflux may be present.
(4) A complete evaluation shows no evidence of obstructive or neurological lesions.
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Specialty: Nephrology, Clinical Laboratory