
Scopolamine is a drug that can be used for drug-facilitated assault. This practice has been used in South America by criminals.

Scopolamine is present in an extract of Datura, which in South America is referred to burundanga.


A typical scenario is for the victim to be given scopolamine in a drink or by dust inhalation. This causes the victim to become submissive, allowing the criminals to rob the victim or have the victim withdraw money from a bank machine. The victim suffers global amnesia for several hours around the event so may be unaware who the perpetrators are.


Anticholinergic symptoms may include:

(1) xerostomia

(2) confusion or disorientation

(3) dilated pupils

(4) blurred vision

(5) flushed skin

(6) tachycardia

(7) agitation

(8) urinary retention


Symptoms may persist for some time after the exposure.

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