
Some patients being treated for enuresis may stop therapy early ("dropout"), before the outcome has been documented.


Criteria for dropout - one or more of the following:

(1) The patient misses 2 or more consecutive appointments without notice after an initial assessment (failure to attend).

(2) The child, parents or guardians decide to discontinue therapy.

(3) The physician decides to discontinue therapy.


An attempt to identify the cause for a patient dropping out should be attempted. A family may not be able to reach a clinic for some reasons or the enuresis may have stopped.


Risk factors for early withdrawal:

(1) The child, parent and/or guardian do not accept the therapy.

(2) Parents or guardians annoyed or intolerant of bedwetting.

(3) A family history of bedwetting.

(4) A child with significant behavioral problems.

(5) A child with low self-esteem.


A temporary interruption of treatment for a good reason (illness, travel, etc) does not constitute dropout if management is restarted after the reason has passed.


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