Apheresis can be used to collect 2 red blood cell products from a single donor ("2RBC") provided the donor meets certain clinical criteria.
Number of RBC products collected: 2
Minimum hematocrit: >= 40%
Minimum height:
(1) for males: >= 5 feet, 1 inch (61 inches)
(2) for females: >= 5 feet, 5 inch (65 inches)
Gender |
Body Weight |
Absolute RBC Volume in mL per Product |
female |
< 150 lbs |
NA |
female |
150 - 174 lbs |
180 mL |
female |
>= 175 lbs |
200 mL |
male |
< 130 lbs |
NA |
male |
130 - 149 lbs |
180 mL |
male |
150 - 174 lbs |
200 mL |
male |
>= 175 lbs |
210 mL |
• The RBC volume is the total RBC volume. The volume that can be collected can be estimated from the desired hematocrit for the product:
volume of blood product in mL =
= (absolute RBC volume in mL) / (desired hematocrit for product)
Specialty: Clinical Laboratory, Hematology Oncology, Immunology/Rheumatology