
Occasionally a patient decides to abuse diuretics.


(1) desire to lose weight

(2) real or perceive fluid retention

(3) psychological


People who may abuse diuretics include:

(1) bulimia or anorexia nervosa

(2) weight-based athletes (wrestlers, boxers, jockeys, etc)

(3) women with fluid retention

(4) body builders



(1) dehydration

(2) electrolyte imbalances (hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, other)

(3) gout

(4) central pontine myelinolysis

(5) edema


Risk factors for complications:

(1) type of diuretic abused

(2) frequency of use

(3) dose of diuretic

(4) duration

(5) comorbid conditions


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