
Ross and Linch listed discriminant indices for clinical findings that can help identify an obese patient with Cushing's syndrome. The authors are from University College London.

discriminant index =

= (prevalence of finding in Cushing's syndrome) / (prevalence in obese patient without Cushing's syndrome)


High discriminant index (8.0 to 10.3):

(1) bruising

(2) myopathy


Intermediate discriminant index (2.5 to 4.4):

(1) hypertension

(2) plethora

(3) ankle edema

(4) hirsutism in a woman

(5) red striae


Slightly increased discriminant index (1.3 to 1.6):

(1) menstrual irregularity in a woman

(2) truncal obesity

(3) headache



• I am not sure why moon facies and buffalo hump are not listed.

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