
Telecanthus is an increase in the distance between the inner canthi of the eyes.

Congenital syndromes that may feature telecanthus include:

(1) Down syndrome

(2) fetal alcohol syndrome

(3) Cri du Chat syndrome

(4) Klinefelter syndrome

(5) Turner syndrome

(6) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

(7) Waardenburg syndrome

(8) STAR syndrome (toe syndactyly, telecanthus, anogenital and renal malformations)

(9) MMCAT syndrome (microcornea, myopic chorioretinal atrophy and telecanthus)

(10) Simosa syndrome

(11) BPES syndrome (blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus)


Congenital conditions with telecanthus:

(1) meningoencephalocele



(1) trauma

(2) tumor

(3) infection

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