
A patient using methamphetamine may complain of visual impairment, which may be due to a range of ocular and neurologic findings.

Patient selection: methamphetamine abuse


Conditions associated with methamphetamine use include:

(1) corneal ulceration/melting

(2) keratitis

(3) conjunctivitis

(4) episcleritis

(5) crystalline retinopathy

(6) retinal artery occlusion and/or vasculitis

(7) intraretinal hemorrhages

(8) endophthalmitis or panophthalmitis

(9) scleritis

(10) toxic optic neuropathy

(11) toxic encephalopathy with involvement of the visual pathways

(12) glaucoma


In addition, involvement of the visual system may include:

(1) chemical toxicity if manufacturing methamphetamine

(2) methanol exposure

(3) adverse effects of other substance abuse


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