
Nofal et al reported criteria for making the diagnosis of lichen myxedematosus. The authors are from Zagazig University, Al-Haud Al-Marsoud Dermatology Hospital and Al-Azhar Unviersity in Cairo.

Patient selection: suspected lichen myxedematosus


Constant features:

(1) firm, waxy, closely-set papules that coalesce into indurated plaques or nodules

(2) diffuse deposition of mucin in the dermis and fibroblastic proliferation, with or without fibrosis


Variable associations:

(1) monoclonal gammopathy

(2) thyroid disease (usually hypothyroidism)

(3) HIV infection

(4) hepatitis C viral infection

(5) peripheral eosinophilia

(6) thymic or hepatocellular carcinoma

(7) interstitial granuloma annulare-like pattern


A definite diagnosis requires both of the constant features.

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