Stec et al evaluated patients with chronic cough for evidence of a causal link to premature ventricular complexes (PVC). The authors are from Grochowski Hospital and Warsaw Medical University in Poland.
Diagnostic findings:
(1) chronic cough (> 8 weeks)
(2) 50% or more of cough episodes preceded by a PVC (minimum 10 cough episodes)
(3) significant reduction or disapperance of cough during normal sinus rhythm
(4) reappearance of cough with occurrence of PVC
(5) absence of an alternative explanation for the cough
Patients wore a Holter monitor to detect episodes of the PVC. PVC could be induced by (1) deep, slow breathing, (2) hand-grip maneuvers, (3) exercise and (4) carotid sinus massage.
The typical PVC-associated cough is described as a tickling in the throat followed by an involuntary cough. There is a rapid expiration without a preceding inspiration.
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