
The Diabetes Control and Complications (DCCT) Group developed a quality of life instrument for patients with diabetes. This can be used to monitor the impact of the disease and therapeutic interventions over time. The DCCT Group is supported through NIH.



(1) satisfaction

(2) impact

(3) worry, social and vocational

(4) worry, diabetes-related


Satisfaction – 15 items


Impact – 20 items


Worry, social and vocational – 7 items


Worry, diabetes-related – 4 items


total score for each subscale =

= SUM(points for each item)


Scoring Range

Scoring Range


1 (very satisfied) to 5 (very dissatisfied)

15 to 75


1 (no impact) to 5 (always impacted)

20 to 100

worry, social and vocational

1 (no worry) to 5 (always worried)

7 to 35

worry, diabetes-related

1 (no worry) to 5 (always worried)

4 to 20


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