
Chronic intake of dexmedetomidine can result in dependence. Discontinuation of intake can precipitate withdrawal in the patient.

Dexmedetomidine (DXM) is an alpha-2-receptor agonist.


It is used for short-term sedation, for shivering, and for analgesia. It can improve opioid sensitivity without respiratory depression, allowing for lower opioid requirements. This makes it useful in treating complex pain.


Dependence can start as soon as 24 hours of continuous infusion.


Clinical signs of withdrawal reaction include:

(1) tremor

(2) tachycardia

(3) elevated blood pressure

(4) low-grade fever

(5) flushing

(6) other signs of autonomic dysfunction

(7) delirium

(8) agitation or irritability

(9) fever

(10) loose stools

(11) insomnia

(12) vomiting

(13) diaphoresis

(14) yawning

(15) sneezing

(16) repetitive movements

(17) increased muscle tone

(18) dystonia

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