
Smith listed a number of characteristics which would be desirable in a clinical information and decision support system. The author is from Cambridge, England.

Desirable Characteristic

Additional Comment

part of the information system used in clinical care

integrated and seamless

able to answer highly complex questions

can handle natural language queries, robust, handles ambiguity

connected to a large, valid database

reliable information


not manual

fast (can get answers reliably within 5 seconds)

any resource that requires effort may not be used; automation best

easy to use

inituitive, with situational awareness


available at the point of care

provides prompts that are helpful and not demeaning

flexible, noncontrolling

connected to the patient's medical record

bidirectional interface supports automatation and reduces data entry errors

provides evidence relevant to an individual patient

personalized information that is individualized for patient, provider and situation

helpful to patients as well

can handle variation in literacy, education, language comprehension and disability

provides psychological support

access to other sources of support (emotional, spiritual, philosophical, etc); communication access to a support network


Additional desirable features is the ability to extract information relevant to management issues like infection control, adverse effects and quality of care.


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