
The Depravity Standard refers to a 25-item inventory intended to identify heinous, cruel and depraved features of an offense. These can help to identify a "depraved" offender.


(1) intent to emotionally traumatize the victim, maximizing terror, through humiliation or intent to create an indelible emotional memory of the event

(2) intent to maximize damage or destruction by numbers or amount if more than one person is victimized, or by degree if only one person is victimized

(3) intent to cause permanent physical disfigurement

(4) intent to carry out a crime for excitement of the criminal act

(5) influencing depravity in others in order to destroy more

(6) crime reflects intent of progressively increasing depravity

(7) carrying out crime in order to terrorize others

(8) carrying out crime in order to gain social acceptance or attention, or to show off

(9) influencing criminality in others to avoid prosecution or penalty


Victim choice:

(1) targeting victims who are not merely vulnerable, but helpless

(2) exploiting a necessarily trusting relationship to the victim

(3) intentionally targeting victims based on prejudice



(1) prolonging the duration of a victim's physical suffering

(2) unrelenting physical and emotional victimization; amount of victimization

(3) exceptional degree of phyiscal harm; amount of damage

(4) unusual and extreme quality of suffering of the victim, including terror and helplessness

(5) indulgence of actions, inconsistent with the social context

(6) carrying out crime in unnecessarily close proximity to the victim

(7) excessive response to trivial irritant; actions clearly disproportionate to the perceived provocation

(8) disregarding the known consequences to the victim



(1) pleasure in response to the actions and their impact.

(2) falsely implicating others, knowingly exposing them to wrongful penalty and the stress of prosecution

(3) projecting responsibility onto the victim; feeling entitlement to carry out the action

(4) disrespect for the victim after the fact

(5) indifference to the actions and their impact

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