
A tuberculous chancre forms at the site of direct inoculation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


Synonym: primary cutaneous tuberculous complex


Clinical features:

(1) The lesion occurs in a person previously unexposed to tuberculosis, so the tuberculin skin test may be negative or show recent conversion.

(2) The lesion develops at a site of direct inoculation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis into the skin.

(3) There is a subsequent formation of a skin nodule that often ulcerates, forming a chancre.

(4) Lymphangitis with proximal lymphadenopathy may develop.



• The presence of a primary lesion and distended lymphatics draining to one or more enlarged lymph nodes is similar to a Ghon's complex in pulmonary tuberculosis.


A biopsy of the skin or lymph node will show granulomatous inflammation, often with numerous acid fast bacilli (AFB).


A culture of the lesion or molecular marker is needed to confirm the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Other mycobacteria can cause similar lesions.



(1) caseation within the lymph node, with draining of the lymph node to the skin, resulting in scrofuloderma


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