
A patient may become infected following contact with an infected animal.


Animals implicated in the literature:

(1) dog

(2) cat

(3) exotic pets

(4) other


Types of contact:

(1) bite

(2) scratch

(3) cut during an autopsy

(4) saliva with an open wound


When to suspect blastomycosis or other deep fungus following animal contact:

(1) contact with an animal in an endemic area or contact with an animal imported from an endemic area for blastomycosis

(2) onset of human illness after contact with a sick animal

(3) presence of a skin lesion at the site of animal bite or scratch

(4) failure of the lesion to respond to standard therapy or to resolve as quickly as expected


It is important to carefully examine the infected animal. This includes performing a complete necropsy if the animal should die.


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