Wilkins et al listed criteria for a suboptimal outcome following a percutaneous balloon dilatation of the mitral valve. The authors are from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Patient selection: status post percutaneous balloon dilatation of the mitral valve
Criteria for a suboptimal outcome:
(1) mean left atrial pressure after the procedure > 10 mm Hg
(2) final area of the mitral valve opening <= 1.0 square cm
(3) increase in mitral valve area of mitral valve opening < 25% of the preprocedural value value if the preoprocedural mitral valve area was > 1 square cm (see below)
X = area of mitral valve orifice after procedure
Y = area of mitral valve orifice before the procedure
(X - Y) / Y * 100% < 25%
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