
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have issued criteria for selecting women to undergo an attempt at vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC). This criteria can help identify those women who should and should not make the attempt.

Criteria to Attempt


1 or 2 previous low transverse cesarean deliveries


clinically adequate pelvis

contracted pelvis

no other uterine scars

previous classical or T-shaped incisions or other transfundal uterine surgery

no previous uterine rupture

previous uterine rupture

obstetrician readily available throughout the labor

obstetrician not readily available

anesthesiology personnel available for emergency cesarean delivery if needed

anesthesiology not readily available

equipment and facility available for emergency cesarean delivery

equipment and facility not readily available


medical or obstetrical complication that precludes vaginal delivery


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