Chief complaint:
(1) claudication
(2) ischemic pain, ulcer or localized gangrene
If the chief complaint is claudication, then complete success is defined being able to walk without pain a distance greater than the larger of the following::
(1) 200 yards
(2) 3 times the preoperative distance at which claudication occurred
• 66.7 yards (200 divided by 3) is the point at which crossover occurs. For a preoperative distance >= 66.7 yards, use 3 times the preoperative distance. For a preoperative distance < 66.7 yards use 200 yards.
If the chief complaint is pain/ulcer/gangrene, then complete success is both of the following:
(1) absence of pain/ulcer/gangrene AND
(2) ability to walk 100 yards
Failure was defined as postoperative findings the same or worse than the preoperative status.
Equivocal results involved some improvement but not being a success or failure.