McDonald et al used criteria for the diagnosis of veno-occlusive (VOD) disease following bone marrow transplantation. The authors are from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, VA Medical Center and University of Washington in Seattle.
Categories used:
(1) VOD
(2) uncertain for VOD
(3) non-VOD
Criteria for the diagnosis of veno-occlusive disease – all of the following:
(1) onset before day 30 after transplant
(2) 2 or 3 of the following clinical findings:
(2a) jaundice
(2b) right upper quadrant pain and hepatomegaly
(2c) ascites and/or unexplained weight gain
(3) no other identifiable cause for liver disease present
Uncertain category: only 1 of the clinical findings was present within the first 30 days after the transplant.
Non-VOD category was used when one or the other of the following is present:
(1) no evidence of liver disease, or
(2) another cause for liver disease was present
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