
Luyten et al reported criteria for the diagnosis of early osteoarthritis of the knee. The authors are from multiple institutions from around the world.

Classes of criteria:

(1) patient reported findings, with >= 2 of the following:

(1a) pain (intensity, frequency, duration)

(1b) symptoms or signs

(1c) self-reported function

(1d knee-related quality of life

(2) clinical exam with at least one of the following:

(2a) joint line tenderness

(2b) crepitus

(3) knee radiographs show Kellgren and Lawrence grade 0 or 1 (over range from 0 to 4; no or possible joint narrowing, no or possible osteophytes, no sclerosis, no deformity)


The Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Score (KOOS) is recommended as a patient questionnaire, with score <= 85% for a domain considered as meeting the criteria.


MRI of the knee is not recommended because:

(1) there are no validated consensus criteria for early osteoarthritis

(2) it detects structural joint changes in a large proportion of the society (sensitive but not specific)

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