The Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) can be diagnosed if certain clinical criteria are met.
Baseline status: recumbent without tachycardia
Criteria for the diagnosis of POTS:
(1) sustained tachycardia – one of the following:
(1a) increase >= 30 beats per minute from baseline for an adult
(1b) increase >= 40 beats per minute from baseline for a pediatric patient 12 to 19 years of age
(2) onset of tachycardia <= 10 minutes after standing up (postural change)
(3) without orthostatic hypotension
(4) not explained by another condition (prolonged bed rest, medication, etc).
• The increment in heart rate for children less than 12 years old is uncertain. >= 30 beats per minute will be used in the implementation.
Additional features:
(1) The standing heart rate is typically >= 120 beats per minute.
(2) The tachycardia may be accompanied by symptoms associated with autonomic overactvity and/or cerebral hypoperfusion.
(3) Accompanying symptoms are often relieved by recumbency.
(4) Raj (2013) specified that the findings should be present for >= 6 months.
• The criteria may not be applicable to some patients with baseline bradycardia.
Purpose: To identify a patient who may have the postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
Specialty: Neurology
Objective: criteria for diagnosis
ICD-10: G90.9,