
Diagnostic criteria can be used to classify a presumptive case of Reye's Syndrome as certain or probable.


Patient < 12 Months of Age


Criteria for certain or probable:

(1) increase in AST, ALT and ammonia levels

(2) increase in AST, ALT or ammonia >= 3 fold rise

(3) total bilirubin < 51 µmol/L

(4) hepatic steatosis

(5) no other obvious explanation for the acute illness


Additional criteria for certain:

(1) organic acid levels compatible with Reye's syndrome

(2) normal serum carnitene level

(3) mitochondrial alterations compatible with Reye's syndrome


Patient >= 12 Months of Age


Criteria for certain or probable:

(1) increase in AST, ALT and ammonia levels

(2) increase in AST, ALT or ammonia >= 3 fold rise

(3) total bilirubin < 51 µmol/L

(4) hepatic steatosis

(5) no other obvious explanation for the acute illness

(6) clinical history consistent with Reye's syndrome: a prodromal illness was followed by protracted vomiting with or without progressive alteration of consciousness


Additional criteria for certain:

(1) mitochondrial alterations compatible with Reye's syndrome


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