A stem cell transplant may be given following myeloablative therapy for leukemia, lymphoma or other malignancy. The therapy results in severe pancytopenia, which reverses if the stem cell transplant is successful.
Patient selection:
(1) severe neutropenia
(2) severe thrombocytopenia, with variable need for platelet replacement therapy
Criteria for neutrophil recovery:
(1) absolute neutrophil count >= 500 per µL
(2) for 3 consecutive days
Criteria for platelet recovery:
(1) count >= 20,000 per µL
(2) for 7 consecutive days
(3) without platelet replacement
Criteria for graft failure following stem cell transplant - one or both of the following:
(1) failure to achieve neutrophil recovery
(2) transient engraftment by 60 days after the transplant
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