
The criteria for red blood cell transfusion in neonates have been a subject of debate. The goal is to maximize the benefit and minimize the adverse effects. The current trend is to limit transfusions as much as possible.

Threshold Hematocrit

Threshold Hemoglobin

Concurrent Disease

< 35%

< 12.2 g/dL

severe cardiopulmonary disease, including mechanical ventilation

< 30%

< 10.4 g/dL

mild to moderate cardiopulmonary disease

< 30%

< 10.4 g/dL

significant apnea or requiring

< 30%

< 10.4 g/dL

symptomatic from anemia (tachycardia, poor weight gain, etc.)

< 30%

< 10.4 g/dL

major surgery

< 21%

< 7.2 g/dL

asymptomatic and stable



• hematocrit = (2.8 * (hemoglobin)) + 0.8


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