Patient selection: pregnant woman with myeloproliferative neoplasm (polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, etc).
Factors associated with a high risk pregnancy:
(1) past history of arterial or venous thrombosis
(2) venous or arterial thrombosis during this pregnancy
(3) past history of antepartum or postpartum hemorrhage secondary to the myeloproliferative neoplasm
(4) hemorrhage secondary to myeloproliferative neoplasm during this pregnancy
(5) past history of an unexplained complication during a previous pregnancy (recurrent first trimeseter fetal loss, intrauterine growth retardation, stillbirth, severe pre-eclampsia)
(6) severe pre-eclampsia during this pregnancy
(7) placental abruption during this pregnancy
(8) sustained increase in platelet count to > 1,500,000 per µL during this pregnancy
• Recurrent fetal loss is defined as 3 or more.