
Saffron is one of the most expensive foodstuffs by weight. It should not be a surpise that it is the target of counterfeit products since the profits are enormous.

Flower: Crocus sativus


Saffron is a spice that involves harvesting small parts of flowers (stigmas). Growth of the plants is affected by weather, and the harvesting season is short. Collection and handling is very labor intensive.


Saffron may come whole (the flower stigmas) or as a powder.


Whole saffron may be colored, taking a low-grade product and making it look high grade. Some of the dyes that have been used are carcinogenic.


Powdered saffron is difficult to grade and is at the mercy of anyone in the supply chain. Any sort of plant material may be substituted, and the water content may be higher to increase weight. Other spices that are cheaper may be added to provide flavor.


Other frauds:

(1) misrepresenting the source of the saffrom (provenance fraud)

(2) selling safflower as saffron

(3) selling saffron that has been used


A range of testing may be needed to detect the common types of fraud or adulteration. To detect all forms of fraud or adulteration is difficult. Testing may include:

(1) chromatography

(2) spectrophotometry

(3) DNA testing

(4) measurement of chemical isotopes


In general, it is best to buy from reputable sources. However, even they can be scammed.

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