
The skin (rind) of the mango contains urushiol, so exposure can result in a contact allergic dermatitis similar to that seen with poison ivy, poison oak, Rhus sap (lacquer) and related plants.


Plant: Mangifera indica


Allergen: urushiol [alk(en)yl-catechols, such as 3-n-pentadecyl-catechol]


People at risk:

(1) history of sensitivity to poison ivy, poison oak or lacquer

(2) history of allergy to mango


Distribution of the allergic reaction:

(1) skin of hands - if unpeeled mangos are picked or handled

(2) perioral dermatitis or cheilitis (inflammation of the lips) - if the teeth are used to peel the skin (rind) off the fruit


The rash may be:

(1) urticarial

(2) pruritic

(3) eczematous


In theory swallowing the skin should cause an allergic gastroenteritis in a sensitized individual as well as a systemic allergic dermatitis.


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