
When comparing two populations for an event, the odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals can be calculated from looking at the number in each group positive and negative for the event.


Group 1

Group 2







(Table page 316, Young 1997)


odds for the event in group 1 = C / A


odds for the event in group 2 = D / B


odds ratio for group 2 relative to group 1 =

= (odds group 2) / (odds group 1) =

= (A * D) / (B * C)


confidence interval for 95% =

= EXP( X +/- Y)


X =

= LN ((A * D) / (B * C))


Y =

= 1.96 * SQRT((1/A) + (1/B) + (1/C) + (1/D))



• 1.96 is the value for Z from the standard normal distribution with F(Z) = 0.975


If the odds ratio is 1.0, then there is no difference between the two groups. If the 2 groups are comparing an intervention, then this is equivalent to a null hypothesis of no intervention difference.


Small Sample Sizes


If sample sizes are small (less than 10 or 20), then 0.5 is added to each of the factors.


odds ratio = (odds group 2) / (odds group 1) =

= ((A+0.5) * (D+0.5)) / ((B+0.5) * (C+0.5))


confidence interval for 95% =

= EXP( X +/- Y)


X =

= LN (((A+0.5) * (D+0.5)) / ((B+0.5) * (C+0.5)))


Y =

= 1.96 * SQRT((1/ (A+0.5)) + (1/ (B+0.5)) + (1/ (C+0.5)) + (1/ (D+0.5)))


NOTE: I am using sample size as (A + B + C + D).


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