Intestinal failure is a intestinal disorder with a permanent need for total parenteral nutrition to maintain a patient's fluid and nutritional requirements.
Intestinal failure be associated with:
(1) critical loss of intestine
(2) functional disorder of bowel motility or absorption
(3) resection of certain tumors
(4) a congenital bowel defect
Tumors that may require extensive bowel resection for control:
(1) desmoid tumor
(2) gastrinoma
(3) intestinal polyposis
Functional disorder:
(1) Hirschsprung's disease
(2) radiation enteritis
(3) chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction
(4) microvillous inclusion disease
Loss of intestine:
(1) abdominal trauma
(2) Crohn's disease
(3) diffuse bowel ischemia
(4) volvulus
(5) necrotizing enterocolitis
Congenital bowel defect:
(1) gastroschisis
(2) intestinal atresia