
Weiss et al reported the CEDOCS (Community ED Overcrowdiing Scale) for evaluating an Emergency Department (ED) for overcrowding. The authors are from the University of New Mexico, California Hospital Association and University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.


(1) number of critical care patients in the ED

(2) longest time in hours for an admitted patient waiting in the ED since admission

(3) number of patients in the waiting room

(4) total number of ED patients

(5) number of ED beds

(6) number of ED visits per year


ratio of ED patients to beds =

= (number of ED patients) / (number of ED beds)




number of critical care patients

3 * (number)

longest time

0.53 * (time)

number of patients in the waiting room

1.16 * (number)

ratio of patients to beds

20.66 * (ratio)

number of ED visits per year

(0.00126 * (number)) - (factor)


factor =

= (1.11*10^(-12)*(MAX((number)-18811,0)^3)) - (8.23*10^(-12)*(MAX((number)-43012,0)^3)) - (8.2 *10^(-12)*(MAX((number)-49466,0)^3)) - (1.08*10^(-12)*(MAX((number)-67273,0)^3))


score =

= SUM(points for all of the parameters) - 30.39



minimum score: 0

maximum score: around 200

The higher the score the greater the degree of overcrowding.




<= 20

not busy

21 to 60


61 to 100

extremely busy

101 to 140


141 to 180

severely overcrowded

181 to 200

dangerously overcrowded


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