
Sanz et al identified signs and symptoms of withdrawal seen in neonates born of mothers taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). These can help identify neonates who may require therapy during the withdrawal period. The authors are from the University of La Laguna in Tenerife, Spain, and WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring in Uppsala, Sweden.



(1) mother taking an SSRI during pregnancy up to delivery

(2) onset of withdrawal signs and symptoms in the neonate

(3) exclusion of other causes of a withdrawal syndrome

(4) exclusion of anatomic, metabolic or infectious disease


SSRIs include:

(1) paroxetine

(2) fluoxetine

(3) sertraline

(4) citalopram


Signs and symptoms in the neonate:

(1) convulsions

(2) agitation, irritability or nervousness

(3) abnormal crying

(4) tremor or hypertonia or involuntary muscle contractions

(5) hypothermia

(6) vomiting

(7) feeding disorder


If the SSRI was stopped near delivery then the mother also could show a withdrawal syndrome.


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