
Phantom limb syndrome refers to persisting sensation associated with a missing limb in a mentally competent individual (Weinstein).


Situations where encountered:

(1) following amputation

(2) with a congenital limb deficiency


Perception of limb:

(1) normal, complete (may reach for something and try to grab it)

(2) deformed, change in shape

(3) missing an intermediate section ("telescoping"); in some cases the hand or foot may seem to be arising from the stump

(4) limited to digits or part of a perceived hand or foot


Factors precipitating sensations:

(1) trigger point

(2) environmental change (temperature, barometric pressure, etc.)

(3) stress

(4) none (spontaneous)


Sensations felt:

(1) pain

(2) other


Pain descriptions:

(1) knifelike

(2) sharp

(3) shooting

(4) dull aching

(5) sawing


The pain may be associated with stump pain.


Other sensations:

(1) pressing, crushing or squeezing

(2) throbbing

(3) burning, warm or hot

(4) freezing, cold

(5) bent or broken

(6) tingling, pins and needles

(7) cramping

(8) heaviness

(9) numbness


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