
Giardiasis may present as an acute or chronic enteric disorder. Symptoms may range from very mild to severe.


Incubation period: 1 - 3 weeks


Clinical findings in the acute phase:

(1) nausea

(2) anorexia

(3) malaise

(4) low grade fever with chills

(5) explosive, watery, foul smelling diarrhea without blood

(6) flatulence

(7) epigastric pain

(8) malabsorption with pale stool rich in fats

(9) weight loss


Clinical findings in subacute or chronic phase:

(1) upper abdominal discomfort

(2) heartburn

(3) belching, sometimes with the taste of rotten eggs

(4) loose, foul smelling stools alternating with normal stool

(5) abdominal distention

(6) foul smelling flatus

(7) cholecystitis with biliary colic


Differential diagnosis of acute phase:

(1) viral gastroenteritis

(2) bacterial dysentery

(3) food poisoning

(4) toxigenic E. coli

(5) amebiasis


Differential diagnosis of subacute or chronic phase:

(1) other enteric pathogens

(2) hiatal hernia

(3) chronic pancreatitis

(4) irritable bowel disease

(5) inflammatory bowel disease

(6) peptic ulcer disease

(7) cholelithiasis


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