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A patient with benign extramedullary hematopoiesis may show a number of clinical findings. Some patients are asymptomatic with the disorder found incidentally.


General systemic findings:

(1) fatigue

(2) weakness

(3) night sweats

(4) peripheral edema

(5) chills

(6) early satiety


Spinal, paraspinal and cerebral findings:

(1) radicular pain

(2) paresthesias

(3) myelopathy with weakness, incontinence or other findings


Ocular findings:

(1) orbital proptosis

(2) visual impairment


Cardiac and pulmonary findings:

(1) pleural effusion

(2) pericardial effusion with tamponade

(3) acute respiratory failure

(4) subglottic stenosis

(5) dyspnea

(6) orthopnea


Abdominal and pelvic findings:

(1) ascites

(2) chronic renal insufficiency

(3) acute renal failure

(4) abdominal and/or pelvic pain

(5) nausea and vomiting (second to adhesions, with partial bowel obstruction)



(1) skin rash

(2) lymphadenopathy


The foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis are exquisitely sensitive to radiation. Radiation is usually not given unless indicated. Clinical indications for radiation therapy include clinical deterioration with:

(1) ocular involvement with visual impairment

(2) progressive disease involving the brain and/or spine

(3) acute renal failure

(4) acute respiratory failure


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