
The Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome (PMDS) occurs when Mullerian duct structures fail to regress in a male. Control of male genital development is determined by action of androgen from Leydig cells and Mullerian regression factor from Sertoli cells.


Synonym: hernia uteri inguinalis


Clinical features:

(1) The patient is a phenotypic male.

(2) There may be an undescended testis on one or both sides.

(3) A hernia is present that contains Mullerian structures (vagina, uterus, and/or fallopian tube).

(4) The patient may be infertile.


Laboratory findings:

(1) genotypically male (XY)

(2) seman analysis may show an absence of spermatozoa


Excision of the Mullerian structures may be difficult since they may be intertwined with normal male structures.


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