Oral disorders:
(1) cheilosis (fissures in the vermillion surface of the lips)
(2) stomatitis (oral mucosa)
(3) angular stomatitis
(5) glossitis, with swelling and the tongue a deep magenta (purple-red) color
(5) sore throat
Skin disorders:
(1) seborrheic dermatitis in face (nasolabial folds, ears, eyelids) and genital region (scrotum in male, labial majora in females)
(2) pruritis
(3) dyssebacea (sharkskin), associated with plugs of inspissated sebum
Ophthalmic disorders:
(1) corneal vascularization (rare in human deficiency)
(2) photophobia
(3) visual impairment
(4) burning sensation
(5) conjunctival injection
Hematological disorders:
(1) normochromic normocytic anemia with erythroid hypoplasia
(2) pancytopenia due to generalized marrow hypoplasia