
Rhinoscleroma is an uncommon infection of the upper respiratory tract that tends to be encountered in certain regions of the World.


Causative organism: Klebisella rhinoscleromatis


Sites affected may include:

(1) nasal mucosa

(2) pharynx

(3) Eustachian tube

(4) maxillary antrum

(5) oral cavity

(6) larynx

(7) orbit

(8) trachea

(9) bronchi


Stages of the infection:

(1) catarrhal

(2) proliferative or granulomatous

(3) sclerotic or fibrotic


Typical symptoms of nasal involvement:

(1) nasal obstruction

(2) epistaxis

(3) chronic rhinorrhea

(4) stridor


A biopsy shows chronic granulomatous inflammation with Mikulicz cells (large foamy histiocytes that may contain bacteria).


Diagnosis may involve:

(1) history of residence in an endemic region

(2) constellation of symptoms, histologic findings and response to antibiotics

(3) positive culture or PCR

(4) exclusion of other conditions (Histoplasmosis, etc)


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