
Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (RPC) is a chronic condition that can be debilitating for the affected patient unless managed properly. It is most often seen in Asian populations.


Risk factors may include:

(1) intrahepatic parasites

(2) other causes of bile duct strictures

(3) malnutrition or social deprivation



(1) intrahepatic biliary stones

(2) intrahepatic cholangitis with strictures

(3) pyogenic hepatic abscesses

(4) recurrent attacks of biliary sepsis with right upper quadrant pain, fever and jaundice


Patients may or may not have gallstones.


The diagnosis can often be made by an experienced clinician using ultrasound.



(1) portal vein thrombophlebitis

(2) hepatic dysfunction

(3) lobar atrophy


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