
Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAME) is serious infection of the central nervous system caused by the amoeba Naegleria fowleri. The vast majority of infected patients show progressive deterioration with death.


Route of infection: across the olfactory epithelium in the nares


Time course: relatively acute (from 2 to 15 days)


Risk factors:

(1) swimming in a freshwater pond or lake

(2) organ transplant recipient


Clinical features:

(1) severe headache

(2) nausea and vomiting

(3) confusion and altered mental status progressing to coma

(4) lethargy

(5) rhinitis, stuffy nose or nasal discharge

(6) fever

(7) stiff neck

(8) purulent meningitis

(9) failure to respond to antibiotic therapy


Lesions in the CNS: hemorrhagic necrosis with purulence


Diagnosis - demonstration of trophozoites or cysts:

(1) brain biopsy

(2) examination of CSF

(3) culture (NNA seeded with E. coli, supplemented PYG, mammalian cell culture)

(4) indirect immunofluorescence

(5) PCR


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