Kim et al reviewed patients with laryngeal fracture. The authors are from Gyeongsang National University and the Dongnam Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences in Korea.
The patient presents with blunt or penetrating trauma to the anterior neck.
Fracture may affect the thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage and/or epiglottic cartilage.
Causes of laryngeal fracture:
(1) motor vehicle accident
(2) assault
(3) suicide attempt
(4) fall
(5) sports injury
(6) agricultural machinery accident
(7) other workplace accident
Clinical features:
(1) pain at trauma site
(2) odynophagia
(3) hoarseness, voice change or dysphonia
(4) hemoptysis
(5) subcutaneous emphysema
(6) airway compromise with respiratory distress
(1) poor voice quality
(2) esophageal laceration
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