
Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (HFMD) is a viral exanthem that needs to be distinguished from Herpes simplex and Herpes zoster infections (hence it being referred to as a herpetiform exanthem).


Viruses associated with HFMD:

(1) coxsackievirus A16

(2) other types of Coxsackievirus (A5, A7, A9, A10, B2, B5)

(3) enterovirus 71 (see above)


It usually affects children < 10 years of age with spread to family members.


Clinical findings:

(1) sore mouth and/or sore throat

(2) development of tender lesions with papules or vesicles with surrounding erythema

(3) low grade fever for 1-2 days (38 to 39°C, or 100.4 to 102.2°F)


Locations of lesions:

(1) oral mucosa and tongue (in almost all patients)

(2) lesions on the hands and feet, including palms and soles

(3) proximal on the limbs

(4) buttocks

(5) genitalia


Vesicles may coalesce into bullae or ulcerate.


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