
Fenethylline is both a codrug and prodrug for amphetamine and theophylline. It has had widespread use in the Middle East, being produced in large quantities in Syria. It is illegal in many countries and addictive.

Brand name: Captagon


The drug consists of amphetamine and theophylline molecules covalently linked by an alkyl chain. After absorption this prodrug releases both into the circulation. The drugs have a synergistic effect on each other.


Side effects has fewer side effects and a lower risk of abuse in comparison to amphetamine alone.


Desired effects:

(1) anorexia

(2) stimulant

(3) euphoria


Adverse effects may include:

(1) elevated blood pressure

(2) depression, anxiety or mood swings

(3) insomnia

(4) malnutrition

(5) vertigo

(6) blurred vision

(7) breathing difficulties

(8) confusion

(9) irritability

(10) psychosis with delusions

(11) retinal vein occlusion

(12) seizures

(13) cardiomyopathy

(14) myocardial infarction


Counterfeit drug is also distributed, with the risk of adverse effects from additives.

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