
Cowpox is an uncommon diagnosis but it may because it is underrecognized. Delayed or missed diagnosis is common.


Type of virus: orthopoxvirus


Most infections are self-limited with:

(1) one or more skin lesions at the site of inoculation or autoinoculation which are often but not always painless

(2) cellulitis with erythema and edema

(3) lymphangitis with necrotizing lymphadenitis

(4) low grade fever with malaise


The skin lesion may progress through stages:

(1) papule

(2) vesicle

(3) pustule

(4) ulceration with eschar


The most common sites for the lesions are the face, neck, shoulders and upper extremities but they can occur elsewhere.


Systemic infections may occur in immunocompromised patients. These patients may become serioiusly ill and die.


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