
Camptocormia (bent spine syndrome or BSS) is forward flexion of the spine seen with a variety of neurological, myopathic and psychiatric disorders that result in weakness of the spinal extensor muscles.


Synonym: Pisa syndrome


Originators of term: Souques and Rosanoff in 1915 (camptos = bent, kormos = trunk)


Clinical features:

(1) The patient has moderate to severe forward flexion of the thoraco-lumbar spine with a lumbar kyphosis > 45 degrees.

(2) The flexion becomes worse if the person stands or walks.

(3) The flexion disappears if the person is supine.

(4) There may be variable gait impairment.

(5) There may be variable dropping of the arms.

(6) There may be a variable degree of genuflexion.

(7) Absence of an alternative explanation.



• Some of the features suggest the dropped head syndrome (20.03.03).

• Mild forward flexion can be seen with aging or other conditions.


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