
Borrelia miyamotoi is a recently described spirochete that can cause a relapsing fever. Its distribution overlaps with that of Lyme disease and can be found around the world.


Tick vector: Ixodes scapularis, other Ixodes species


The patient may be immunocompromised.


Clinical findings:

(1) fever which may become relapsing

(2) influenza-like findings (headache, myalgia, chills)

(3) meningoencephalitis

(4) variable erythema migrans skin lesion


Defintive diagnosis may require:

(1) direct demonstration of the organism (of limited use clinically)

(2) serologic changes (IgM, rise in titer)

(3) PCR or other molecular technique


Often the diagnosis is not considered until other causes such as Lyme disease or STARI have been excluded.


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