Children with croup can be triaged rapidly and easily by a simple scoring system.
(1) inspiratory breath sounds
(2) stridor
(3) cough
(4) retractions and nasal flaring
(5) cyanosis
Parameter |
Finding |
Score |
inspiratory breath sounds |
normal |
0 |
harsh, with rhonchi |
1 |
delayed |
2 |
stridor |
none |
0 |
inspiratory |
1 |
inspiratory and expiratory |
2 |
cough |
none |
0 |
hoarse cry |
1 |
bark |
2 |
retractions and nasal flaring |
none |
0 |
nasal flaring and suprasternal retractions |
1 |
nasal flaring; suprasternal, subcostal, and intercostal retractions |
2 |
cyanosis |
none |
0 |
present in room air (FIO2 0.21) |
1 |
present in 40% oxygen (FIO2 0.40) |
2 |
Modified Score (Waisman, 1992)
This is the same as above, except assessment of cyanosis is replaced by oxygen saturation.
Parameter |
Finding |
Score |
oxygen saturation |
>= 95% on room air |
0 |
< 95% in room air (FIO2 0.21) but >=95% in 40% oxygen (FIO2 0.40) |
1 |
<95% in 40% oxygen (FIO2 0.40) |
2 |
• maximum score 10
• minimum score 0
• scores of 0-3: minimal risk
• scores of 4-6: moderate risk; child may benefit from inhalation treatment
• scores 7-10: high risk; intubation may be necessary and a tracheostomy tray should be readily available if not intubated
Specialty: Pulmonology, Pedatrics, Infectious Diseases