
The Giant Cell Arteritis Actemra (GiACTA) trial used criteria to identify patients with giant cell arteritis (GCA). This appears to be a derivative of the ACR criteria.

Criteria - all of the following:

(1) age of the patient >= 50 years

(2) one or both of the following:

(2a) ESR > 30 mm/h

(2b) serum CRP > 5 mg/L

(3) one or both of the following:

(3a) unequivocal cranial symptoms of GCA

(3b) symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica

(4) one or more of the following

(4a) abnormal temporal artery ultrasound

(4b) abnormal temporal artery biopsy

(4c) evidence of large-vessel vasculitis by ultrasound

(4d) evidence of large-vessel vasculitis by PET-CT or CT-angiography


Cranial symptoms of GCA:

(1) new, localized headache

(2) generalized scalp tenderness

(3) temporal artery tender to palpation

(4) ischemic optic neuropathy

(5) jaw claudication

(6) tongue claudication


Symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica:

(1) morning stiffness > 1 hour with bilateral shoulder pain

(2) bilateral hip pain or stiffness

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