
Colitis cystica profunda (CCP) is a benign colonic disorder which can be misdiagnosed as colloid carcinoma. The condition appears to occur when the mucosa prolapses into the submucosa where it becomes trapped.


Males tend to be more often affected than females.


Clinical features:

(1) A colonic disorder that may be solitary, localized or diffuse.

(2) There may be a history of bacillary dysentery or other forms of colitis.

(3) The colonic mucosa may appear nodular due to cysts in the submucosa which may measure up to 2 cm in diameter.

(4) The submucosal cysts may be partially or completely lined by a cuboidal or columnar colonic epithelium. Older lesions may lose the epithelial lining and show a fibrous wall with chronic inflammation.


Features suggesting colloid carcinoma:

(1) dysplastic or overtly malignant epithelial cells

(2) desmoplasia

(3) irregular mucin pools


The differential diagnosis includes:

(1) diverticulosis (the cystic areas are beyond the muscularis propria)

(2) endometriosis (in a woman; shows endometrial glands and stroma)


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